Childsmile community and practice
An introduction to Childsmile Practice, the wider Childsmile team and their roles.
Arabic English Polish Trad. Chinese Ukrainian Urdu
Audio File

Drinks for babies and young children
Information on tooth friendly drinks for your children to enjoy.
Arabic Bengali Dari English Pashto Polish Romanian Slovak
Trad. Chinese Ukrainian Urdu
Audio File BSL

Fluoride varnish for children
Up-to-date, accurate and reassuring information on fluoride varnish in nurseries, schools and Childsmile dental practices.
Arabic Dari English Polish Trad Chinese Ukrainian Urdu Vietnamese
Audio File Sway PDF

Fluoride varnish consent
Fluoride varnish information and consent form for parents and carers in participating establishments.
Arabic Bengali Dari English Pashto Polish Romanian
Simp. Chinese Slovakian Trad. Chinese Ukrainian Urdu
Please do not complete the consent form electronically. Click here to find out more about the consent process.

Fluoride varnish aftercare instructions
This leaflet gives aftercare instruction for fluoride varnish.
Arabic English Polish Simp.Chinese Trad. Chinese Ukrainian Urdu
Audio File Sway PDF PDF (accessible version)

Fun First Foods
A guide for parents and carers providing information about weaning your baby.
Arabic Bengali Bulgarian English Farsi Polish Portuguese Romanian
Russian Simp. Chinese Slovak Trad. Chinese Ukrainian Urdu Vietnamese
Audio File Easy Read Version

My toothbrushing diary – option 1
A resource to help with the routine of toothbrushing at home.

My toothbrushing diary – option 2
A resource to help with the routine of toothbrushing at home.

Food and drinks diary
A resource to help support healthy eating at home.

Childsmile: Looking after your teeth poster
An ‘at a glance’ guide of when baby teeth appear and what you should do.

Acid Attack Cartoon
A cartoon to explain an acid attack in the mouth.