This is currently a draft page and is under review
This screen is used to record basic information about a child (name, address, postcode, date of birth, etc). To search for a child’s records only the CHI should be used.
Type all details in full as this information is used when letters / appointments are sent to the child’s home. Abbreviations should not be used.

Add New Child Details
When first entering child details into the system, click ‘Add New Child’ to access the Child Information screen. Complete all details for the child in this screen.
When a child’s details are already in the practice database you will be asked if you want to move the child. If you click Yes the child will be moved automatically.
Health board
Select your health board from the drop down menu.
Health support worker
Select your Health Support Worker ID from the drop down menu.
Referred to Childsmile by / at
From the drop down menu, select either ‘Health Visitor’, ‘Self Referral’, ‘Primary care dental service’, ‘Secondary Care/ Hospital dental service’, ‘Education setting (early years etc)’, ‘Social worker’, ‘Community organisation/Third sector/Charity’, ‘NHS 24’, ‘Family Nurse Partnership’, ‘School Nurse’ or ‘Other’. If you select ‘Other’ you will need to provide some further information in the ‘details’ box.
Date of referral
Please record the date when the child was initially referred to you from the source of referral.
Note that the ‘Date of referral’ is the date the child was initially referred to you, not the date you received the referral (e.g. if the child was referred by a Health Visitor on 3rd February 2014, but you received the referral on 3rd March 2014, the ‘Date of referral’ would be the 3rd February 2014).
Health visitor name
If you have selected ‘Health Visitor’ as the method of referral, you must enter the ‘Health Visitor Name’. This should be in the format ‘Forename, Surname’ and in full (e.g. ‘Jane Kidd’, not ‘J. Kidd’).
Health visitor ID / health visitor base
If you have selected ‘Health Visitor’ as the method of referral, you can also enter the ‘Health Visitor ID’ and / or ‘Health Visitor Base’ (i.e. the location that the health visitor can be contacted at).
These details can be used at a later date should the child be referred back to the health visitor.
Enter the child’s details into each field. Some of the fields are compulsory (Surname, Forenames, CHI, Address (over 2 lines), Postcode, and Date of Birth). Entering as much information as possible will help when searching for child records at a later date.
If you do not know the postcode, please use the Royal Mail’s online postcode finder
Parent / Guardian
Please enter the surname(s) and forename(s) of the parent(s) or guardian(s).
Click the ‘Save’ button before the ‘Close’ button to return to the Child Search screen. To view the record for the child you have just entered, follow the instructions for viewing existing child details.