It is very important for young children to have plenty of fluids to drink. It helps their body to function properly and prevents constipation. Plain milk and tap water are the safest drinks for teeth.
Use tap water – most flavoured waters contain artificial sweeteners and therefore should not be given to children. Many of these drinks also contain sugar, which can cause tooth decay. These drinks are also acidic and can erode your child’s teeth.
Between the ages of two and five years, you can gradually change from whole milk to drinking semi-skimmed milk; but make sure your child has a good and varied diet too. From five years old, fully-skimmed milk can be given. When only one serving of milk per day is provided (e.g. at nursery) it should be whole milk.
Juice should be kept to mealtimes only.
Flavoured milk, milkshakes and milk-based smoothies
These contain sugars and can cause tooth decay. Keep to mealtimes, which is when these drinks are less damaging to teeth. Do not give these drinks last thing at night.
Diluting juices and fizzy drinks
These contain sugars and artificial sweeteners. Keep to mealtimes. Remember to dilute juices well.
Fruit juices
Pure unsweetened fruit juices are a good source of vitamin C but contain natural sugar which can cause decay. Fruit juices are also acidic. Acidic drinks can quickly damage your child’s teeth.
Small amounts of pure, unsweetened fruit juice should be diluted half and half (50% juice to 50% water), or with a greater proportion of water to juice if your child is thirsty.
Tea, herbal tea and coffee (even unsweetened)
These are not suitable drinks for children. They affect the way your child absorbs iron from his or her food.