Healthy Eating FAQ

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Healthy Eating

Category: Healthy Eating

To encourage healthy eating, it is important to reduce overall snacking and concentrate on providing healthy family meals.

Fruit, vegetables, plain scones, breadsticks and bagels are a few healthy options.

For further information have a look at our snack ideas for children resource and the food and drinks for healthy teeth section of our website.

Category: Healthy Eating

You can begin to use a cup and introduce solids when your baby:

  • can sit up
  • begins to pick up food and puts it in his/her mouth
  • has better hand-eye coordination

Health experts now recommend that at around six months old, most babies are ready for other foods in addition to pasteurised milk.

For more information, visit the drinking from a cup or weaning sections of the Childsmile website.

Category: Healthy Eating

To support healthy eating, Parent Club have a meal planner with a selection of tasty recipes:

Category: Healthy Eating

There is information online to support infant feeding which can be found at the links below:

Or contact your Health Visitor or local Childsmile Coordinator for information on local support groups.