Childsmile coordinators lead, develop and coordinate the Childsmile programme in their Health Board area.
Find contact details for your local coordinator, listed under your health board.
Argyll and Bute
Margaret Morrison
Oral Health Improvement Manager (Argyll and Bute)
01436 655 133
Ayrshire and Arran
Rosie Murphy
Assistant Dental Services Manager (OHI & Childsmile)
07824 596 381
Amanda Crombie
Childsmile Administrator
07866 008 006
Alison Forsyth
Childsmile Coordinator
01896 824 512 or 07748 624 737
For orders and general enquiries:
Telephone: 01896 824 512 or 01896 824 546
Dumfries and Galloway
Julie McLellan
Manager for Dental Services
01387 245 530 or 07740 873 520
Nikki Moffat
Senior Dental Health Officer
01387 272 762 / 07788 913 958
Sharon Carruthers
Oral Health Principal
Tracy Pirie
Senior Extended Duties Dental Nurse
Forth Valley
Joanne Gallagher
Childsmile Coordinator (Aberdeenshire CHP – Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday)
07500 033 767
Sarah Gourley
Childsmile Coordinator (Moray CHP)
07500 033 766
Pippa Robbie
Childsmile Coordinator (Aberdeen City CHP)
07500 033 761
Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Sharon Hunter
Operational Manager for Health Improvement (interim)
0141 201 4218 / 07870 879 534
Karen Lindsay
Oral Health Improvement Operational Support Manager (interim)
0141 201 4218/0141 201 3553 /07917 521 421
Miranda Moodie
Oral Health Improvement Coordinator (Mid Highland CHP)
01349 855 679 or 07818 002 388
Mary Dawson
Oral Health Improvement Coordinator (South East CHP) (interim)
01463 253 665
Eilidh MacKinnon
Oral Health Improvement Coordinator (South East CHP) (interim)
01463 253 665 or 07824 599 514
Jane Weeden
Oral Health Improvement Coordinator (North Highland CHP)
07826 859 125 or 01955 609 940
Fiona Rodger
Head of Oral Health Improvement
0131 470 5597
Sheona McMahon
Childsmile Core, Nursery & School
07909 535 496
Sheona.mcmahon@nhs.scotDiane Marshall
Childsmile Coordinator Practice & Priority Groups
0131 470 5691 or 07711 425 906
Lisa Brough
Childsmile Coordinator
01382 432 060
Carrie Phillips
Oral Health Coordinator Priority Groups
01382 432 199
For orders and general enquiries: