Visit record

This is currently a draft page and is under review

This visit record screen is used to record information about individual children while visiting an establishment to apply fluoride varnish.  The following information should be added as applicable: date, whether the varnish was applied and appropriate varnish information, e.g. batch number (which can be copied and pasted between screens) and expiry date, possible areas of concern and reason for need for advice from a dentist, additional notes and risk assessment actions. If fluoride varnish is not applied the reasons for this should be noted.

Remember to click ‘Save Visit Record’ before exiting the screen
If the EDDN observes and records concerns that need to be followed-up by a dentist, these concerns should be recorded in the Visit Record when a letter is generated.

In some circumstances a problem may be recorded but no letter sent out.  The reason for this should be recorded in the ‘Additional Notes’ box. A reason for dental advice must be recorded when a letter is sent.

Local protocols will apply when anything which needs immediate dental advice is noted.

There are three possible ‘Risk Assessment Actions’:

1. No Action Required – Varnish was applied (including partially applied) and there were no concerns about the child’s teeth. Ensure that post-application instructions are issued.
2. Letter to Parent – The child should visit their dentist soon. Varnish applied, choose ‘Letter to Parent’ and record the reason for dental advice.
3. Advise parent to seek immediate dental advice – Varnish applied as per procedure. Choose ‘Advise parent to seek immediate dental advice’ and record the reason. Other details are recorded in ‘’Additional Notes’ box. Local protocols will apply to meet the child’s needs.

‘Reasons Varnish not applied’ – You should record one of the following reasons the child did not receive fluoride varnish:
1. ‘Unwilling to have varnish applied’ – The child was present at the time of FVA but refused to receive the FVA.
2. ‘Sore mouth (lips, cheek or tongue)’ – Identified in the pre-application risk assessment.
3. ‘Unwell’ – The child was present at the time of FVA but was unwell and therefore unable to receive the FVA.
4. ‘Left School’ – The child has moved school since consent was provided but prior to the FVA visit date.
5. ‘Absent’ – The child was NOT present at the time of FVA but remains on school roll.
6. ‘Other’ – If none of the reasons listed above are appropriate, please select ‘other’ and provide an explanation in the ‘Additional Notes’ box (e.g. FV not applied due to a consent query).
In the event that fluoride varnish is not applied, please ensure a ‘Fluoride varnish not applied’ form is completed and given to the child in an envelope.  Envelopes with ‘fluoride varnish not applied’ forms enclosed should be left with the class teacher for children who were absent.
A letter to parent can be sent out if a child has not had fluoride varnish applied.  To send a letter in these circumstances the following steps should be taken:
1. No information entered in the procedure box.
2. Enter quadrant of concern.
3. Complete ‘Reason for dental advice’, e.g. caries.
4. Select ‘Letter to Parent’ in ‘Risk Assessment Action’.
5. Select ‘Unwilling’ for ‘Reason varnish not applied’.
6. ‘Save’ and ‘Close’.
The Visit Record on the screen will show the child was ‘Unwilling to have varnish applied’ but a letter will still be generated.
* A valid appointment date is important for reporting the progress of the Childsmile programme.  The appointment / visit date must be accurate because if it is incorrect (and not within the intervention period) the visit record will not be included in reports.  To ensure high quality data it is important that appointment / visit dates are recorded accurately.